17 May Belly and Fur Babies | Maternity Session at Discovery Park
This evening had the strangest light and weather. It was sunny right before we arrived. Then, it was dark. I mean, DARK. A “how am I suppose to capture a pregnant woman’s glow?” kind of dark. And then it was a bit lighter. Then, really light. Then, dark. Then it rained. Then there was a rainbow. And then, an incredible sunset!?! Luckily, this sweet couple wasn’t phased by the weird weather and this soon-to-be-mama glowed like, well, a soon-to-be-mama :). Throughout it all, I couldn’t help but be transported back to this time in my pregnancy and remembered how excited, nervous, and ready to be able to take a full breath I was feeling–ha ha. I felt confident and more beautiful than ever before, and from these images, I think this mama was/is feeling the same way. I’ve always enjoyed photographing this time in a woman’s life and now I absolutely love it. I hope you enjoy looking at these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. And thank you weird weather for the rainbow and sunset. You can’t help but smile at a sunset like the one we had that night!
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