13 Mar Fritz + Jessica | Engaged in Seattle
I blogged! I blogged! I blogged!
2017 was a crazy year. I was a new mom. Actually, I was a new stay-at-home-mom. Well, really, I was a new work from home/stay-at-home-mom. I promised to slow my work schedule down so I could carry the load of both, which of course, I didn’t (What can I say? I love my clients and my work…and I might have a problem saying no). In the beginning it was no big deal. Hadley would sleep on me in her carrier on in her bassinet while I edited and emailed and Zak would watch her on the weekends while I was out shooting. It was a win-win. I got to have a breather and do what I love while he had some quality time with her. It was awesome, and then busy season hit, and my backlog of unedited sessions grew larger than it’s ever been. I began to panic and some things had to give, like blogging. I could barely get a couple of images up on social media, so the thought of preparing and writing a blog post–actually, what am I saying– it wasn’t even a thought. My brain couldn’t comprehend taking on another task. There was no room. Blogging wasn’t even an option. Spending quality time with my little girl and delivering quality images in a timely (ahem) manner to my clients were my only goals. I succeeded with a lot of help from the grandparents. They lifted a huge weight of stress off of my shoulders and were really able to bond with their first grandchild–another win-win!
Well, it’s a new year and I’m back with help, so here I am writing a blog post! It would be absolutely impossible to blog everything I did last year, but I will be mixing in a handful of last year’s sessions with some from this year. I’m kicking it off with this sweet engagement. Fritz and Jessica met at the Shelter in Ballard and live in Fremont, so these locations made ideal backdrops. Their laughter was contagious. Their love undeniable. And their shoe game was on point. Enjoy and welcome back to my blog!
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